Road reconstruction Maasvlakte
New T-junction
Dura Vermeer will build a new crossing under the Antarcticaweg on Rotterdam's Maasvlakte on behalf of Port of Rotterdam.
In week eleven, Dura Vermeer began construction of the new T-junction. The new Antarctica Road side road will serve as the emergency entry and exit ramp for Neste's new biofuels plant. The placement of the culverts with internal dimensions of no less than three by two meters was the first milestone. Now that these concrete elements are in place, Dura Vermeer is focusing on the construction of the actual T-junction.

As with all projects, this project sees our commitment to our sustainability ambition "Emissions at 0". This includes the use of electric small equipment and sustainable construction lighting on battery packs light for the construction site. The equipment we use for asphalting work runs on HVO diesel. This diesel emits about twenty percent less C02 than regular diesel. Before implementation, we performed an EIA calculation to identify the environmental impact. After realization, we will do this again to see how everything actually worked out. We will then apply the resulting sustainable insights to other projects.

Placing concrete pipe duct

First milestone
Smart phasing
During the entire work period, traffic on Antarcticaweg can continue while Dura Vermeer works in safe work bays. We will remove guardrail as late as possible to ensure workers’ safety. Continuous accessibility is essential in a port, where businesses must be accessible 24/7. We will provide asphalting for the new intersection during two partial weekend closures. One lane will remain open at all times to minimize traffic disruption.